It's not the trouble of logging on or writing something that is the issue with the blog. It's mainly the length that we are required to write. 600 words is a pain in the ass to crank out when you have tons of other shit to do already. I know we are free to write about whatever we may like, but in the time it takes me to sit down and think of 600 words to write, I could be working on our class projects, or my 495 animation that acts like a black whole when it comes to time.
So if I could design 6x1, the second, I would adjust the blog lengths. Even 300 words is a thousand times more manageable than 600. If the blogs are designed to replace a midterm/final exam, let's contemplate that for a second. We have had been assigned 14 blog posts this semester, at 600 words each, that is a total of 8,400 words we are required to write. Type that many double-spaced-12-point-font words into Word and you get 20.5 pages. I have never been required in any of my critical studies classes to write a 20 page paper. Furthermore, if these blogs are substituting a midterm/final, how in the world does a 20 page paper equate to an exam, or even a final paper, for a production class?
I would dread writing my blog posts, even the idea was unpleasant, where would I pull 600 mindless words this week? Something shorter and more manageable would make for a more interesting and genuine blogging experience. Not only for the students, but also our fearless leader, who had the unpleasant job of reading our word-garbage-droning week by week.
That would be my only adjustment to 6x1, le deuxieme.